Saturday, August 4, 2018

Quest West Continued

The early part of the week found us trekking through Yellowstone, southern Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and back up into Idaho. The elongated path, seeking to add Utah and Nevada to our list, provided some interesting pictures and experiences.

We visited the salt flats and discovered the Morton plant.

We found Jackpot, Nevada, about as far from Las Vegas as possible and still inside Nevada.

We dined at the very edge of the Snake River Canyon. An amazing view!

We wandered over to see the Falls that define Twin Falls, Idaho.

We watched two helicopter crews (Chinooks) manage efforts to gather water to fight wildfires which were about six miles west of us in Idaho ... very ominous smoke filled sky.

We were able to connect and have great evenings with two beautiful families. First, in Moscow, Idaho with Sheridan, Kirby and Rue. Their second is due in a couple of weeks and they are doing well. So cute!

After a lovely lunch in Couer d'Alene, we caught-up with our friends Larry and Cheryl, in Wenachee, Washington. So much fun! They are doing well.

Time to get back to the task at hand ... baseball. On to Seattle ...

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