Sunday, August 5, 2018

Game 24: Blue Jays 7 - Mariners 3

We made it to the west coast (Seattle), and ballpark 24. We rolled into town about 4:00 PM (Thursday) and were met shortly thereafter by Jacob!

It was great to see him for the third time this summer! We headed to Safeco Field and the contest between the Blue Jays and the Mariners.

After an hour of traffic, we made the four mile trek across town and were joined by a throng of Blue Jays fans heading into the park. I would estimate that the Blue Jays fans came close to numbering the Mariners fans and that there were more Blue Jay's fans at this game than the June game we attended in Toronto.

Having found all the Canadians here in Seattle, we toured the park and found our seats.

Safeco is a nice park. We had some delicious sandwiches and Beth caught a great photo of the event as the sky cleared just a bit.

The game was entertaining, but in the end, due to poor defense, the Mariners came up short ... boy those Canadians get a little "bold" when they are on the winning end.

 All in all, a great evening and so nice to spend time with Jacob.

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