Monday, June 4, 2018

Two Portlands ... Who Knew?!?

With our next game in Boston and the Red Sox on the road until Tuesday (6.5), we spent yesterday working our way from NYC to Maine. Along the way, we visited Massachusetts (State #18), Vermont (State #19), New Hampshire (State #20), arriving in Maine (State #21).

While passing through Vermont, we made a quick stop by one of my teammates homes (they were traveling), but we enjoyed the view from their backyard for a few moments.

We planned two nights in Portland, the other one, the East one. We did this because we had some time to kill. We also noted that the region was going to get a bit of rain. Finally, we thought we might be able to find some great seafood and do some laundry.

We were successful on all counts. It poured on Monday. We completed a couple of loads of laundry (traveling with a bit of rope).

We also found a couple of awesome local seafood spots ... chow-dah ... lob-stah ... etc-ah!

Tomorrow we make our way to Fenway and hope for an evening break in the rain. If all goes well, our next report will be from Canada.

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