Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Game 18: Yankees 4 - Phillies 2

Monday morning we headed for Annapolis and had a great lunch at Chick & Ruth's. After lunch we made a short tour of Annapolis (see the capital dome in the background) and then took the bay bridge across the Chesapeake Bay.

During the afternoon we wandered through rural Maryland and Delaware on our way to Philadelphia. The game tonight is a rare inter-league game with the Yankees visiting the Phillies. This match up only happens once every three year and the park is sold-out (a first for the summer) with about half the crowd made up with Yankee fans.

It was a perfect night ... 80 degrees with a light breeze. We sat in the upper deck, at the rail.

And, our view included the downtown skyline.

The game was close throughout. However, the Yankees pitching was strong and they took an early leading. Never really threatened, the Yankees topped the Phillies 4-2 (our second Phillies loss witnessed in two consecutive nights).

Tomorrow is our final outing in the mid-Atlantic (Orioles) before we make our way south for the three southern teams (Tampa, Miami & Atlanta), along with our mid-baseball trip Southern Caribbean Cruise (6.30 - 7.11).

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