Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Real New York

Today we wandered from Pittsburg to Endicott, NY. It was a beautiful drive. While in Endicott, we were able to dine with our friends Chris and Kate. It was such a fun evening. 

After a fantastic dinner, we invited ourselves to their lovely home to meet their two (too) sweet Golden Retrievers. 

Beth also had a strong desire to see one of Chris's more recent hobby efforts.

Words can't really do it justice, but if you are wondering what you are looking at, it is a working model of Main Street (along with a few bonus elements) from Walt Disney World. The model includes a running train (two actual trains), a monorail, Electrical Parade and Cinderella's Castle.

There are multiple sound tracks and a projection (with sound track) for the Wishes show displayed on the castle.

Believe me, the pictures do not do this justice. So happy to have been able to see it in person.

The adventure continues ... off to Yankee Stadium tomorrow.


  1. It was so wonderful to see you both again! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit with us! We are so blessed to have friends like you!

  2. It was our pleasure, Kate! Thank you for letting us crash your evening. Let’s cruise soon!!
