While less eventful, Juneau was still very interesting. We got off the ship, took a tram up the mountain, and looked out over the beautiful view of the harbor and surrounding fjord. There was also a bald eagle that was in captivity being cared for due to injuries. She was an amazing bird! We saw several bald eagles on our trip, and it was easy to see why they are the national bird. After our stop at the mountain, we came back down and wandered through the Juneau downtown until we decided to board the ship once again.
Our final stop was in Ketchikan and I’ll tell you what, it was another amazing Alaskan experience! We wandered off the ship and found a great opportunity to go flightseeing back into the Alaskan wilderness. Granddaddy, Grandmother, Jesse and I got the opportunity to fly for an hour over some of the most magnificent natural sights I have ever seen. Words and photos cannot describe the grandeur of the mountains and cliffs and waterfalls and forests. We eve landed in the middle of a remote mountain lake for a few minutes to get out on the pontoons and gaze out at even more splendor. It is an experience that continually reminded of how small I am...and of how great and majestic our God is! Overall, it was a mind-boggling experience, and definitely one of the trip highlights.
Overall the cruise was a lot of fun, and quite cold! I will never forget the things I saw up in Alaska, and we always love cruising with Disney. It was a wonderful, relaxing vacation with our grandparents, and we all had a fabulous week. Now time to head back down the coast!
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