Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beth's Wildlife Report ... Promises, Promises ...

Well, Canada sure talks big when it comes to wildlife, but have seen precious little wildlife for this reporter to report. Before entering Canada, we saw two foxes! They were out in a field, playing. I've never seen foxes before! We've also seen a few more deer, all does.

Once in Canada, we did see another bald eagle and a mother black bear and her cub That was exciting, although the rangers were shooing everyone away. I would like to report that Canada has a plethora of signs promising and warning about wildlife, but so far, I've seen far more "moose signs" and "elk signs" than actual moose or elk. Promises, promises...

1 comment:

  1. Strap a giant steak to your car....that's sure to bring the bears are also good bait... ;-)
