Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Welcome (May 18, 2010)

We would like to welcome you to our current adventure. Today marks one week until our coming departure. We are very excited about our pending travel and equally excited to be able to share our experiences. In the next few days Jacob and Jesse will provide welcome posts. In addition, as we move closer to our departure, we will try to share a few of the details regarding our efforts to prepare for more than a month of travel.

Please be sure a let us know that you are tracking our whereabouts and let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for joining our "virtual" adventure.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted you to know that someone will be following you. Ok, that sounded creepy. What I meant to say was I'll be paying attention to your blog entries.

    The Farrington family will be taking a similar cruise later in July. It won't be a Disney cruise and it won't be Europe and it won't be a month, but, other than that it will be identical. By identical I mean a boat and water will be involved.

    Half of the fun is the anticipation. I'll be enjoying your trip vicariously.

    Have a great time!

