Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Countdown Continues (Jacob)

Hello to all of our wonderful family and friends! Welcome to the Lowery family adventure blog. I’m glad that you’re here and that you’re interested in following our voyage all along the coasts of Europe. We are going to have an exciting trip, and I’m thrilled that we can share it with you. Right now we have less than a week before we depart, and things are beginning to pick up while being both nerve-wracking and thrilling. I’m starting to pull together some things that I need to take and we’re all attempting to figure out how we’re going to pack for a whole month. Well, that’s all for now. We will be sure to keep you updated throughout the whole process of our month-long adventure!


  1. Hi Jacob - How was your flight? Shayna and I will probably be sharing my blog ID. We are looking forward to hearing about your adventures! Bon Voyage!

  2. Have a good time, everyone!

    Jacob, one question: how many decks of cards did you pack?
